Summer Pleasures And Garden Treasures

Featured in Edible Bozeman, In Season, Issue 5, Summer 2020.
Creative Contributions: Writing, Illustration, Recipe

“Garlic is one of my favorite things to grow in my backyard garden. In October, as the air begins to get cool and crisp, I dig a couple inches down in my soil, place individual cloves, and cover them up with dirt. In Spring, the green garlic shoots are the first things up. Come the end of June or early July, the curlicue scapes are ready to cut and then later in July, when a couple leaves on the stalk begin to brown, it is time to harvest the garlic for that year. This article is about garlic scapes and also radishes and another summer treat, Flathead cherries.”

Related Recipes

Some related recipes are featured below, but there are hundreds more in my recipe collection.


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