Tarragon Aioli

by Jul 3, 2024

Technically aioli has garlic in it, but I like using the term for homemade mayonnaise whatever the flavor. It’s really a whole different thing from store-bought mayo and it’s so much more than a “sauce” which is the term I landed on when I published this recipe in Edible Bozeman a few years back. Make it make it make it. You’ll be so happy you did. Use it in salad dressings, to dress poached salmon and potatoes, to make a quick lunch like this deconstructed egg salad (here’s my favorite way to boil eggs just right), as a spread on a sandwich, in tuna salad, so many options.

Published in Edible Bozeman, Issue 9, Summer 2021

Tarragon Aioli

makes about 1 cup


  • 1 egg yolk (at room temparature)
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard Edmond Fallot
  • 1 tablespoon champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar "O" brand is great if you can't find the real deal, with a capital C
  • ¾ cup olive oil California Olive Ranch is a good one
  • 1 tablespoon fresh tarragon leaves, minced
  • a pinch salt


  1. Blend the egg yolk with the mustard and vinegar in a blender or food processor. With the machine running, add the oil in a slow, thin stream. Mix in the tarragon and season with salt. Keep refrigerated and use within a week or so.

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