Polenta with an egg makes a warm and wonderful quick dinner. I prefer a poached egg but an...
browse the recipes:
Fried Rice (or Stir-Fried Vegetables with Rice)
This simple sauce of soy, sesame oil, and rice vinegar can turn almost any assortment of...
Crustless Quinoa Quiche
This quinoa quiche makes a satisfying brunch, lunch, or dinner entree and is a great way to use...
Frittata is a wing-it, seasonal dish that can help you use up all sorts of things in your...
Sweet Potato Noodles with Stir-Fried Veggies and Tofu
Have you tried sweet potato noodles? They cook in five minutes and taste great with stir fried...
Asparagus with Egg and Tarragon Vinaigrette
I was never one to swoon over vegetables. Bread and pastries, yes, but not vegetables. Until I...
Winter Squash, Chorizo, and Kale Frittata
Snow and 20° is forecast for tonight, so I threw a piece of fabric over what's left of our garden....
Hard Boiled Eggs (easy to peel)
Hard boiled eggs. Not the most interesting topic, but when those darn shells stick to the white,...
Rustic Spinach Tart + Italian Egg Pastry
A slice of this Spinach Tart served with salad greens + a simple vinaigrette = elegant lunch...
Rustic Chard Tart
The savory tarts of the Mediterranean are my inspiration for this Rustic Chard Tart, a slice of...
Baked Eggs
Invite some friends over for brunch next weekend. Brunch, the eating opportunity that falls...
Asparagus Terrine with Tarragon Mayonnaise
This might seem a fussy preparation for asparagus and eggs, but it is one of those magic French...
Chard and Leek Soup with Grilled Bread and Poached Egg
Here's an easy one dish meal inspired by Lidia Bastianich's recipe for Acquacotta, a traditional...